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Mental Health Self-Check Quiz

Instructions: Answer the following questions based on how you've felt over the past two weeks. Assign points to each answer: 0 points for 'Not at all', 1 point for 'Several days', 2 points for 'More than half the days', and 3 points for 'Nearly every day'. At the end of the quiz, add up your points to see the results.

  1. How often have you been bothered by feeling down, depressed, or hopeless?

    • Not at all (0 points)

    • Several days (1 point)

    • More than half the days (2 points)

    • Nearly every day (3 points)

  2. How often have you felt little interest or pleasure in doing things?

    • Not at all (0 points)

    • Several days (1 point)

    • More than half the days (2 points)

    • Nearly every day (3 points)

  3. How often have you felt nervous, anxious, or on edge?

    • Not at all (0 points)

    • Several days (1 point)

    • More than half the days (2 points)

    • Nearly every day (3 points)

  4. How often have you been unable to stop or control worrying?

    • Not at all (0 points)

    • Several days (1 point)

    • More than half the days (2 points)

    • Nearly every day (3 points)

  5. How often have you felt bad about yourself — or that you are a failure or have let yourself or your family down?

    • Not at all (0 points)

    • Several days (1 point)

    • More than half the days (2 points)

    • Nearly every day (3 points)

  6. How often have you had trouble concentrating on things, such as reading the newspaper or watching television?

    • Not at all (0 points)

    • Several days (1 point)

    • More than half the days (2 points)

    • Nearly every day (3 points)

  7. How often have your sleep habits or patterns changed (much more or much less than usual)?

    • Not at all (0 points)

    • Several days (1 point)

    • More than half the days (2 points)

    • Nearly every day (3 points)

  8. How often have you felt that you have poor energy or little motivation to do things?

    • Not at all (0 points)

    • Several days (1 point)

    • More than half the days (2 points)

    • Nearly every day (3 points)

  9. How often have you found that you either overeat or have no appetite?

    • Not at all (0 points)

    • Several days (1 point)

    • More than half the days (2 points)

    • Nearly every day (3 points)

  10. How often have you felt detached or isolated from others?

    • Not at all (0 points)

    • Several days (1 point)

    • More than half the days (2 points)

    • Nearly every day (3 points)


  • 0-10 points: It seems like you’re currently managing well. Maintain your healthy routines and reach out if things change.

  • 11-20 points: Some days are tough, and that’s okay. Consider discussing your feelings with someone you trust.

  • 21-30 points: It may be helpful to talk to a mental health professional about how you’ve been feeling.

Disclaimer: This quiz is strictly for informational purposes only and is not a diagnostic tool. The responses and score from this quiz cannot fully capture the complexities of your mental health or replace professional diagnosis. If your results suggest you might benefit from support, or if you have concerns about your mental health, it is imperative to seek professional advice. Do not delay seeking professional help based on the results of this quiz. If you are experiencing severe distress, please contact a healthcare provider immediately.

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